Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Basic HTML

HTML is acronym for hypertext markup language. It is standardized for tagging text files achieving font, color,graphics (images), link and effects on the www (world wide web ) pages. We can display all the thing through tags, attributes, elements.

Tags:- Tags is a simple text character used to identify text on the web page.e.g. <>less then and greater than these sign is known as tags.

Attributes:- which identify the format of the tag you want to apply on the web page. e.g. <p> it is use to make a paragraph.

Element:- In which tag we show the format code start and end is known as element.

Note:- HTML coding is written in the note pad file.


<HTML> = This is the identification of yours file in which you program is written.

<title> = If you type anything between the title tags it will show on the title bar of your browser and title tags is also written between the need tags. </title>

<body> = All the contents written in the body tags shows on your browsers page. </body>
</HTML> = this is the closing of your tags. two types of tags are used to creat web page.
(1) Single tags
(2) Paired tags.
(1) Single tags: Single tag will only start like <p>, <br> etc.
(2) Paired Tags: Paired tags start and end both tags are compulsory to show its cont.. e.g. <b>.......</b>, <i>.........</i> etc.

How to write a HTML Program
click on start - program- accessories-notepad or start- run- type "notepad" in the box- ok
Type the structure of the HTML codes in the notepad.
<title>your title</title>
<body>type your contant</body>
file- save- type the name of the file with the extension e.g. siss.HTML-save-double click on your browser-file-open-browse-select file where you saved-open-OK

All the contants of that file will show in your browser.

Basic HTML Stretcher  

(source by faizan jamal)

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