HTML is acronym for hypertext markup language. It is standardized for tagging text files achieving font, color,graphics (images), link and effects on the www (world wide web ) pages. We can display all the thing through tags, attributes, elements.
Tags:- Tags is a simple text character used to identify text on the web page.e.g. <>less then and greater than these sign is known as tags.
Attributes:- which identify the format of the tag you want to apply on the web page. e.g. <p> it is use to make a paragraph.
Element:- In which tag we show the format code start and end is known as element.
Note:- HTML coding is written in the note pad file.
<HTML> = This is the identification of yours file in which you program is written.
<title> = If you type anything between the title tags it will show on the title bar of your browser and title tags is also written between the need tags. </title>
<body> = All the contents written in the body tags shows on your browsers page. </body>
</HTML> = this is the closing of your tags. two types of tags are used to creat web page.
(1) Single tags
(2) Paired tags.
(1) Single tags: Single tag will only start like <p>, <br> etc.
(2) Paired Tags: Paired tags start and end both tags are compulsory to show its cont.. e.g. <b>.......</b>, <i>.........</i> etc.
How to write a HTML Program
click on start - program- accessories-notepad or start- run- type "notepad" in the box- ok
Type the structure of the HTML codes in the notepad.
<title>your title</title>
<body>type your contant</body>
file- save- type the name of the file with the extension e.g. siss.HTML-save-double click on your browser-file-open-browse-select file where you saved-open-OK
Basic HTML Stretcher
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